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Make no mistake…..

It is incredibly easy to ASSume

that because it appears someone is strong

that they are able to weather anything.

Make no mistake

that appearances

Are just that.

An appearance.

What makes you think they are strong ?

Is it because they don’t crack ?

Don’t crack under the pressures


under those pressures

which you have no concept of

because unless it affects your world

you don’t notice ?

That doesn’t make you irresponsible –

It makes you normal.

It is normal to make the mistake

That everything is OK

With everyone else.

Unless you see the signs

Tears ?

Tantrums ?

Maybe – just maybe

The person who sits there



is merely holding it all together

as their world

is appearing to them

to be breaking.

The noisy tear jerkers

The guilt playing

heart pulling


are the noisy ones.

Ask within your heart

whether everything is OK

not with your eyes.

Wonder for a moment

is it all OK

with someone that you know

someone that you love.

The noisy ones

with the rehearsed speeches

that have been used many times

Are obvious.

The others will fall through the cracks

They are the ones

that need your time

your love

your moments.

Make no mistake.

Broken is on the inside.

hearts background b & w

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